Change can be for you the starting point for a new career or a new relationship, click to greater confidence, estimates or to control their aggression.


Change begins with the work itself. This is an absolute rule. As Albert Einstein said, "The significant problems we face can not be solved without changing the level of reflection where we were when we created them" (I'm not sure reproduce the exact quote)

So if we want change and we want it to last, we must accept that what we are seeing now and what we want to be in the future. We must be honest with us and welcome -Same reality as it is and not as we think it should or could be. We must develop a keen awareness of our actions and leave us overwhelmed by our unconscious. Most importantly, we must take full responsibility for our lives and have no other; Finally, you should also be able to cede control of everything (except us, of course -Same!)
If you are not willing to do this work, positive change will not happen in your life or at least not be sustainable.
What aspects of your life that you feel satisfied? Where - wrong notes? Where you feel stuck? Identify problems. "Enjoy" exactly the current situation and what you want in the future, if all goes well .If for example, your relationship does not work well if you have communication difficulties, think about what an ideal partner in this view should look like in his opinion; think about what should be its role in achieving this objective; As - it runs? How would you feel if things were organized? Note the difference between the existing flow and what you aspire. It is at this level where the work is performed.


For the work itself to be effective, you must first find out who you are, what you care about, what your values wand passions are; It is that they are what you live each day now; if this is not the case, of course, there is no dissonance.
If, for example, success in your work is very important to you, what you are willing to do or not do to achieve it? -Are You ready to make the necessary changes in their way of being? Are you - are you ready to try something different? What do -they are in line with your values wand passions? Whatever it is - Are you ready to say yes, you are - he decided to give up?
This awareness is extremely important in implementing change. When we live our fully aware of our actions lives, we are very efficient; Unfortunately, we sometimes feel make informed decisions when in reality our unconscious affects our behavior and our actions are not really under our control; That said, you can learn to recognize the unconscious, that part of our mind that determines much of our actions without our knowing of its existence; the recognition that we can diminish its power over us.
For example, try to spot that little voice in your head that is so insistent when you have to make a decision, and especially a decision that will lead to change. She whispers that are crazy to think such a thing? Remember that t already failed before and probably again experience failure? It is not easy for us to realize that voice is there for everyone sabotage; pay due attention to you will realize that your inner saboteur is at work and you get, so help you to make truly informed decisions that lead to positive and lasting change in your life.


Control your emotions face the circumstances that life presents him; you can not control life, but you can control your reactions. Pause, reflect, calm the heart rate; add no meaning when this is not necessary; For example, if your boss sends you a comment that seems excessive to its latest report, not interpret his words does not necessarily mean it's not up to par; he wants can -be just pointed in the right direction.
Add half where there often is not limited to situations experienced in childhood: his father was always very critical it can be for you and gradually came to think that was a loser come and do nothing; This is the kind of meaning a child creates in response to an unpleasant situation. In reality, that is, if it happened? You had a very critical point .The father problem, and that is most unfortunate that this type of reaction is played as an adult and face a critical life, your reaction will be the same for the reaction of his son: "I am a loser. "The ability to control your reactive behavior and see things as they are can make a big difference in your life.


Finally a word about perspective or attitude: the way we see the world or situation determines our efficiency and mood. Change your attitude and you will change not only the way you see things, but this will change your reality; If you approach your work or your life is so painful prospect will make you fail in your business; change the perspective, adopt one that goes in the direction of your goals and desires.

"By changing your inner attitudes, humans can change the outer aspects of their lives" philosopher and psychologist William James.

Thanks to the work itself, the foundation of a state of mind which makes it possible lasting positive changes have arisen; the path to a happier, more productive and more meaningful life is open. Upon completion of the work itself, external positive changes will occur quickly. Radiate and others will be attracted to his new personality. You will understand everything that happens as an opportunity for progress and change .The work you do and the resulting change will impact all areas of your life, not just when I had to see the originally .and the ideal vision you It became a reality principle.

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