Relationship Dynamics

Relationship Dynamics

Note: anyone can get these dynamics 5 ... but usually there is a rule, among others, the way we live relational.

1) The dynamics of sponge

If you are one of those people who go from laughter to tears, depending on the mood of others ... it is likely to have a sponge temper. This means that you feel touched by everything that unfolds around you: your neighbor is wrong, war, child abuse, but also by the positive developments of success of a person, a birth ...

Sometimes you can be so affected by what is going on around you that people are reluctant to even say certain things.

The difficulty is the lack of vis-à-vis the protection of others and therefore impossible to find serenity within yourself.

Outputs for the sponge: develop their ability to protect themselves, take time to connect yourself to meditate for example ... and start listening to what resonates within yourself.

2) The dynamic filter

You are more filter if you tend to remember negative in many situations ... and let the good. As the filter is dynamic be pessimistic, to much criticism and be in victimization.

It scares people around you, and unfortunately, when we only see the negative, which often tend to attract situations that give us the opportunity to complain 😉

Ways to change dynamically: start opening their eyes to positive. I suggest, for example, to thank each night for five positive things that lived during the day.

3) The dynamics of the funnel

The funnel allows through events, good or bad, they do not seem to be affected or reached. This is a form of anesthesia. This is the reverse of the sponge, it is affected by everything that happens. The funnel is not shaken by anything. Deprives many sentences of joy.

Ways to change dynamically: pause, slow down. This is the (re) link to yourself to start feeling things. I invite you to an artistic approach and / or the body to start feeling through drawing, dance, pottery or other ...

4) The dynamics of the sieve

The display is the one with the good and bad passes. It's great to experience this dynamic, for themselves and for others. This is the optimistic momentum. It is certainly not a matter of denying the difficulties or problems, but do not focus on it and make room for all that is good, softness of life ...

I do not propose to dynamically change if you tend screen :) unless you want to become one yet.

I invite you instead to continue to grow this dynamic, positive people watch, thanks for all the good daily ...

5) The dynamic yet

He still has this incredible ability, this genius of transforming evil good. In every situation, he will do good and remember the basics.

These are often people who have experienced the difficult things they have crossed, giving them a sense and reinforcing outputs .... So you can thank life because every event that happens in our lives also brings a gift, although sometimes It is difficult to understand at first glance.

He also knows all this, and this deep knowledge of things, is not a real resource for others.

If you are one yet, you can help others and the world with your wisdom :)

And now I ask myself: what is your dominant dynamic?

I have helped to find and realize all the possibilities available to you

I see you soon!

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